2024-2025 Board and District Goals
2024-2025 BOARD GOALS
Finance & Operations Committee Goals
Goal 1: Strive to be thoughtful and diligent stewards of the District, maintaining consistent oversight of the budget to provide the most enriching and complete academic experience for every student.
Goal 2: Prioritize support for and maintenance of programs that represent our diverse student body and provide a challenging yet inclusive environment for all students.
Goal 3: Look to improve upon our operational efficiencies to help mitigate the ongoing concerns surrounding rising expenditures.
Education Committee Goals
Goal 1: Achievement - Provide all students the opportunity to achieve at their highest levels. Focus on enriched learning and articulation for key identified NJSLA subscores. Continue work to identify target populations in need of support and ensure those needs are met promptly. Develop action plans for staff professional development needs and student’s development needs - e.g. executive functioning, critical thinking, public speaking, external professional development resources.
Goal 2: Top Tier Curriculum - Use evidence based analysis to review curriculum resources. Align standards from Kindergarten through 8th grade. Use an 8th grade look back approach to inform lower grade discussions and decisions, seeking to thoughtfully identify and fortify any weaknesses or gaps in the curriculum and ensure that students are set for success at each step–pre-k to graduation and beyond
Goal 3: Differentiation - Continue to provide differentiation to students. Evolve differentiation discussions toward mid-tier students and students with incongruous testing vs. in-class performance or similar experiences. Make continued efforts to offer courses like study skills, gifted and talented push-ins and early morning tutoring to as many students as possible. Prioritize hands-on classroom experiences and project-based/student-led learning opportunities to maximize meaningful engagement with subject matter across our diverse student body
Goal 4: Tri-District Articulation - Work with Rumson and RFH on articulation. With Rumson, focus on Literacy (K-2, 6-8) and Math (8) articulation, along with other subjects as needed. Work closely with RFH and MCVSD on subjects related to high school preparedness that may include but are not limited to: Science, AI, Writing, Study Skills, Executive Functioning.
Goal 5: Health & Safety - Make every effort to ensure health, wellness and safety of students, staff and faculty.
Human Resources Committee Goals
Goal 1: We commit to hiring and retaining the best talent for each open position.
Goal 2: We will continue to evaluate how we structure district staffing through the lens of student outcomes, staff morale, and fiduciary responsibility.
Goal 3: We commit to provide District employees a work environment that is safe and supportive by establishing, administering and effectively communicating sound policies, rules and practices.
Policy Committee Goals
Goal 1: Continued Policy Development & Review - Create, revise, or eliminate policies to align with local, state, and federal laws. Ensure policies reflect the district’s vision, mission, and strategic goals.
Goal 2: Compliance & Accountability - Ensure all policies comply with legal mandates and educational standards. Establish clear guidelines for accountability and enforcement of policies.
Goal 3: Monitoring & Evaluation - Set up mechanisms to evaluate the effectiveness of existing policies. Recommend updates or changes based on performance data and feedback.
Goal 4: Student Achievement & Well Being - Focus on policies that improve academic outcomes and support student mental health and safety. Support & address issues like attendance, discipline, and extracurricular activities.
Goal 5: Professional Development - Support policies that encourage staff training and professional growth. Ensure policies promote effective teaching and leadership practices.
Goal 1: Science: Implement increased and improved Science learning opportunities through the inclusion of District Science Fairs, the facilitation of student participation in Science competitions, ongoing articulation with high performing Science schools, and through the review and analysis of new Science benchmarking data to inform instruction.
Goal 2: Professional Development: Provide targeted professional development opportunities via PLCs, after school meetings, off site professional development opportunities, and District professional development days to support instructional practices across the curriculum; with specific emphasis on Science, ELA, and Math.
Goal 3: Literacy: Infuse explicit, direct, sequential, systematic, and multi-sensory instruction in the reading process aligned to the new NJSLS; including the Infusion of morphology into grades 3-5 to bridge the district literacy program and practices to grades 6-8.
Goal 4: Articulation: Implement a structure within the district to support articulation of instructional practices from grade to grade (e.g. 3rd to 4th & 5th to 6th) and to engage the targeted action plan aligned with the Rumson and RFH school districts to develop academic expectations for student outcomes and a vision for the next 3-5 years with an emphasis on the subjects of Writing and Science for Fair Haven and study and accountability habits for year 1.
mission of the Fair Haven School District is to provide a strong academic foundation and to educate, challenge, and inspire students to reach their full potential.