Fair Haven Public Schools
Board of Education
The Fair Haven Board of Education is reviewing the Contract of
Employment for the Superintendent of Schools. Pursuant to N.J.S.A.18A:11-11,
a public hearing will be held at the Board of Education meeting on September 20,
2023. Following the public hearing Board action may be taken.
A copy of the proposed Contract of Employment will be placed on file in
the Board’s business office, and will be available for review prior to and at the
public hearing.
The Board, pursuant to N.J.S.A.10:4-12(b), the Open Public Meetings Act,
shall not publicly discuss personnel matters and shall not respond to comments
made by members of the public. The subject of this hearing retains the right of
privacy and shall retain all rights regarding defamation and slander according to
the laws of New Jersey. The Board shall not be held liable for comments made
by members of the public.
Dated: July 28, 2023
As part of our efforts to improve communication with our school community, we ask that you please use
[email protected]
to email your suggestions. The Board of Education appreciates the
suggestions received via this web link and will consider them as
discussion topics at future meetings. Any concerns or comments submitted
must include your name and address in order for them to be considered.
Thank you.
[email protected]
2023 Schedule of Board of Education Meetings
Knollwood School All Purpose Room
224 Hance Rd. Fair Haven, NJ 07704
Public Meeting: 7:00pm
(unless otherwise indicated on sunshine notice)
mission of the Fair Haven School District is to provide a strong academic foundation and to educate, challenge, and inspire students to reach their full potential.